A New Performance Determined

Harness The Newts  


Ride Out This Great Depression!


If the Nazi Party had dissolved, and If World War II had not occurred, 

Would humanity have prospered in peace?



            coming soon!!


On 24th (Tue)


On 25th (Wed) 


On 27th (Fri)


                   September 2024


 at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in London 


In September 2024, we stage Čapek's masterpiece novel. 

This production is slightly different from our 2018 production: it is a performing art for our current world, worthy of being staged in 2024.

The main actors are alumni and students of East 15 Acting School. It is also a piece by the director, Kazue HORIMASU for her MFA directing dissertation project.


Detailed time and other information will be posted in due course.


We would like to thank the Embassy of the Czech Republic in London for its cooperation.


VÁLKA S MLOKY již brzy!!

    V září 2024 představíme inscenaci Čapkova mistrovského románu. Tato verze se od předešlé z roku 2018 liší: jde o performativní umění současnosti a mimojiné i o hodné uvedení pro rok 2024.
    Mezi hlavními herci se představí absolventi a studenti East 15 Acting School. Jde o dílo režisérky Kazue Horimasu, která vytvořila projekt v rámci svého magisterského studia režie na téže škole.
    Podrobné termíny a další informace budou včas zveřejněny.
Za spolupráci děkujeme Velvyslanectví České republiky v Londýně. 

We have been selected to perform the play in the hall of the Czech Embassy in London. We thank the Czech Embassy for their support and are now preparing to provide an exciting play for many people. The venue is conveniently located and the performance is free of charge, so we hope that people from all walks of life will be able to see it. We look forward to seeing you all at the Czech Embassy.

Title "War With The Newts"

The original novel by Karel Čapek

Dramatised and directed by Kazue Horimasu

Performance Dates and Time: 24th, 25th, 27th, September 2024. 7 pm~

Venue: The Embassy of the Czech Republic in London.  

Price of a Ticket: Free (Booking is necessary.)

Booking → https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/war-with-the-newts-tickets-978168246557

Support Us→https://gofund.me/b2719a6f

The cast of "War With The Newts"→here

演劇企画「ある」代表 堀益和枝/ theatre project ARU, Director: HORIMASU, Kazue 

連絡先/Contact Address: engekikikaku.aru@gmail.com  

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Phone 88+(0)50−3575−3415(IP phone, for  residents in Japan)